Thursday, June 08, 2006

Short term memory...anyone got a cure for it???

The curse of Azni's memory loss disease is spreading fast... I hear Nani & Jue have been affected (forgetting ATM PIN number is chronic)

And to my disbelief, I f***** to renew my driving licence!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been driving for almost 2 weeks with an expired licence until one fine day when I remembered (don't report me to JPJ pls)

But not to worry, I have renewed it to 5 years (maximum period), and no, I have not f*****ten how to drive.

Spread love girl, not the f***** bug

p/s- On another completely different note, I hate that OSIM I-Gallop advertistement!!!! Jue, pls ensure the offshore people don't order those !!!!



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