Sunday, July 14, 2024

Charyn Canyon

Mon 3/6/24

As usual, we would be up before 4am for Subuh and would have 3 hours to kill before breakfast is served at 7am. Since we were still tired from the hiking yesterday, we decided to sleep in a bit and woke up before 6am. At 6am, we set out at yesterday's field location, this time bringing our drone to capture the aerial views there. We returned back to our guesthouse at 7am to have breakfast.

After breakfast, we checked out from our guesthouse and set out to Moon canyon which is located nearby to Charyn canyon which would be our second destination today. The drive to Moon Canyon or Uzunbulak Canyon from Saty took about 1.5 hours drive covering a distance of about 93km. We stopped to re-fuel somewhere in between which we already searched for a petrol station as our total distance to cover today would be about 250km. There was some off roading of about 5 km or 15minutes from the main road to reach the view point at Moon canyon. We didn't fly the drone here as we wanted to be quick and spend more time at Charyn canyon which is bigger. 

Moon canyon

Moon canyon

From Moon Canyon, we drove for about 45 min (about 38km by road distance, although by location they are near and located in the same national park) to reach Charyn canyon. There were tour buses already parked and many tourists were already there when we arrived at about 11.15 am and it was scorching hot. The Charyn canyon covers the Charyn River for 50 km, but only to a width of 3 km with a depth of 370m. It consists of thinly stratified red sedimentary rock (from Wikipedia). Entrance to Charyn canyon costs KZT 2200 for 2 persons and 1 car.

There were 2 walking paths at Charyn canyon - we started with the walk at the top first and then we went down the staircase to walk in between the canyon walls - the trail is known as Valley of the castles, which is 2km by foot until the end point at Charyn river. We flew the drone down from the canyon as it was too windy to fly it from the top. 

Charyn canyon from the top

Charyn canyon from the top

Valley of the castles trail from bottom of the canyon

precariously hanging rocks at Charyn canyon

Charyn canyon rocks

Charyn canyon with people for scale

Charyn river at the end of the trail

We spent about 3 hours here and left the canyon at about 2.30pm to drive onwards to Zharkent as we planned to go to Altyn Emel national park tomorrow. It was a long drive to Zharkent of about 150km which not much views and no small towns in between to stop for drinks or snacks. We did have bananas and water to sustain us through the journey.

Unfortunately, I was struck with stomach ache and nausea on the way to Zharkent. I had diarrhea and vomitted at the hotel at Zharkent and didn't have much energy left and was feeling feverish too. Fortunately I brought all the medicine for fever, vomiting and diarrhea so I just rested for the rest of the night while Partner In Crime had to do groceries shopping and finding dinner on his own sob sob, which he bought shawarma at a kebab shop downstairs. Our hotel room in Zharkent cost KZT 12000 per night with breakfast which we paid by cash. We were greeted by an unfriendly elderly lady who spoke no English at the reception.



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