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Presenting... 3rd batch of MSc PE students
Back row (Standing) L-R
Hadi, Salah, Sultan, Romi, Izral, Faizal @ Kabi (partly hidden), Firrdaus, Jun Yee, Suresh, Azlan, Naza, Scott, Tatmi, Mansour, Ba Son, Chee Hoe
Front row (sitting) L-R
Aula, Tutor Norul Huda, Aisyah, :) , Putri
Started class @ 05/02/06 although some were still missing
Mostly staying at V3 (village in UTP) , some V5 and outside
So far so good. Our class is only for 5 days by Heriott Watt lecturers from Edinburgh
The other 2 weeks are for UTP overview & tutorial
OK, enough about the boring facts.
Hmm…so far we’ve been studying for 1 month. Pretty close knit family.
Some geniuses in the class – Firrdaus, Mansour
Some enternainers –Firrdaus, Kabi you’ll be rolling with laughter to their jokes !! Firrdaus’ name crops up again, and oh, he’s also good in fixing computers – insists to fix ‘em till he gets all sweaty (10 ppg NaCl ), no kidding !! haha
Some stylo (read : vain, haha, just kidding) – Scott, Azlan, Aula, Chee Hoe
2 supermoms – Putri (soon to be, watch this space !) & Aisyah
6 international students – Mansour, Naza , Romi & Salah (Sudan), Sultan (Yemen), Ba Son (Vietnam). More 5 additional Ethiopian students
Blur, but romeo guy –Izral
Class monitor – Tatmi (read : super-senior)
As we grow closer, maybe I can tell their characters better… more later then
Our lecturers-
Dr Jim Somerville – Res. Eng has a very strong Scottish accent – sometimes he looks quite blur, hehe (too bad, don’t have his pix. Btw, the guys brought him to see Kellie’s Castle – trying to score points, huh guys ? )
Dr John Ford – he’s very good, cool & has a very good sense of humour. We all love him!! Fave phrases- “oopsy daisy” & “badadada” (when he’s looking for something)
Peter Lloyd - Welsh, but speaks std English, lives in Nice, France. Has a very good sense of humour & he just can't stop laughing !!! He catches you off guard & makes a joke about it. Believe me, I'm one of his victims too!! Fave word - "Ha!" & "We''ll catch ze murderer" (with French accent)
Labels: Ramblings
looking back it wasnt so bad tho i wouldnt wanna a repeat haha
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