2005 bangin' choons

here are albums I've got for 2005 - not in order of preference
1. franz ferdinand - you could have it so much better - 5/5 ace !
2. feeder - pushing the senses - 5/5 top ace !!
3. athlete - tourist -5/5 top ace !!
4^ the posies - every kind of light - 5/5 top ace !! melodic band from the US, doesn't exactly jive does it?
5* beck - guero - 5/5 ace !! - oh yeah, he's from the US
6* the killers - hot fuss - 5/5 top ace !! also melodic, electronic tinged band from the US
7. embrace - out of nothing - 4/5 only listened twice, got to listen some more
8. starsailor - on the outside - 3.5/5 will give it more chance
9* sigurros - takk - unrated - definitely have to digest more - they grow on you
10. gorillaz - feel good inc - 4/5 a bit inconsistent - but there are majority stand out tracks - go damo & inc !
11. coldplay - x&y - 4/5 - good, but they could have it so much better (hehe, borrowing franz's album title)
12. chemical brothers - push the button - 4/5 ok, but chem bros fans might diss me for not being as appreciative
13. kasabian* - kasabian -5/5 ace !!
14. the bravery - the bravery - 5/5 ace !!
15. doves* - some cities - 5/5 ace !!
16. kaiser chiefs* - employment - 3.5/5 imho overrated, but some fun, radio friendly songs though
17. bloc party* - silent alarm - 4.5/5 promising
* monetary credit to big bro - he bought 'em
^ effort credit to big bro
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