tribute to kerteh gang
2 years and 8 months in kerteh
Thanks for the sweet memories
Thanks for everything !!
K Lina

Our mentor cum big sister
She's just as crazy as the other "gang ketat kerteh "
Note : gang ketat kerteh are really crazy, fun loving ppl ;)
A great cook !! (not just becos of feeding us, but they do taste good!! her brownie & pasta.. yummy!!
Happy Go Lucky
She helped me a lot...i mean loads
She's now in KL

She comes up with any jokes impromptu
Likes bon jovi & likes to sleep hehe
Very sweet girl! always lending a helping hand
Good at drawing too
Has a killer smile (look at her pictures, they always show her nice teeth, well except her passport photo coz you're not allowed to smile in it)
The master of all u need to know about cats
Involved in almost every committee in office
The budak pandai among us

The forgetful girl
But very sweet !! lending a hand whenever u need it (if she remembers, that is... hehe..jgn mare)
Always dynamic, never stays the same
Used to like spider a lot (i can still remember her high pitch shriek when spider was announced the winner at 2005's Juara Lagu)
Oh, yes didn't i mention it already ? high pitch, high volume
Even when she's singing karaoke style, her voice drowned the others, and someone had to adjust the mic's volume ;)
Obviously likes to sing. among her honoured audience, our neighbour in kemasik hehe..oi kantoi!!
high pitch shrieks at anything, u name it - flying cockroaches (uuuurrrhhghh... i hate these too), lizards, worms, maggots, kelkatu, any surface contact at her neck etc

Very, very generous (oooopss... i owe her one KL ok Izma? )
My means of transport to & fro Kerteh -KL
Very cute, and very sweet girl !!
Very honest !!
Winner of ratu rempit kerteh !!!
Her mom's chocolate cake is da most bestest!!

His motto - "Siapalah saya"
Very honest
Very generous
Very very helpful - once my car got stuck in mud at midnight in cherating with my cousins, and he came to rescue us
Another means of transport to & fro Kerteh - KL
Keeps a scorpion as his pet since his housemate is almost never around
Source of DVDs
I ruined his Japero's CD player...huhu...
Don't start an argument with him, you won't win
Sometimes he just disappears without a trace, and suddenly re-appears
Tolonglah baca email kitorang okay, jangan la terus delete

Cassanova yg lemah lembut... hehe... jangan marah
Gullible - percaya je apa yg orang bagitau dia. but a good thing too becos he laughs at all my jokes
Drives a striking colour gen gen...
Doesn't know how to pose for cameras. kepala tu kasi level dengan shutter camera la beb, baru la tak nampak mendongak..hehe... or maybe this is his trademark.. kena respect trademark orang
Paling senang nak ajak join activity apa2. always boleh
Jiran yg ditumpang masa takde transport
Lambat bersiap, always nak pakai massaker CLK (bukan mascara ye)

Very helpful , very honest
Sopan santun
Loves malay literature, gotta respect him for this. he'll come up with any topics of pantun the minute you ask for it
He laughs at almost all of my jokes too
Must eat on time. if not he'll get gastric
Pemandu yg berhemah
Very generous too
Loves nature

Trademark hoarse voice (garau s)
I sometimes think he looks like Dr House (in the series House)
Very generous
Likes to ask people : " Kau tahu tak....? Did u know that ....? Our source for general info. He should have competed in who wants to be a millionaire (kunci khazanah tak lumayan, so tak payah)
Likes hindi songs. first guy i met who likes hindi songs. respect for that
Proud of his origin - muar
How to get mates to lunch out together? simple. at 1pm, just hang around the lobby, and u'll get yr lunchmate
I didn't know boleh tengok kelip-kelip dari kereta..huhu..

# 1 Mawi fan
President of kelab jawa malaysia
The star of PMO
Very recognisable voice from few blocks away, you can never mistake it with someone else's!!
Stylish gal
She can sew clothes anywhere, in the car and even on the plane!!
Very determined
A good cook ! yum..yum.. tasty food !
Very matured - sometimes i feel she's an elder sister to me, although i'm older

Very sweet girl
Open minded
Been exercising religously lately
Happy go lucky
Has a very cute voice
Nik (Ridhuan)

Very honest !!!! He puts his remarks in a funny way you can't resist to laugh
Our tour guide in KB
I used to give him headaches when doing purchasing thru him...sorry Nik !!
E&P groupmate
Very cool - he presented the first part of E&P on Geophysics very confidently, whereas the rest of the group chickened out. Bravo Nik !!
Thanks for the sweet memories
Thanks for everything !!
K Lina

Our mentor cum big sister
She's just as crazy as the other "gang ketat kerteh "
Note : gang ketat kerteh are really crazy, fun loving ppl ;)
A great cook !! (not just becos of feeding us, but they do taste good!! her brownie & pasta.. yummy!!
Happy Go Lucky
She helped me a lot...i mean loads
She's now in KL

She comes up with any jokes impromptu
Likes bon jovi & likes to sleep hehe
Very sweet girl! always lending a helping hand
Good at drawing too
Has a killer smile (look at her pictures, they always show her nice teeth, well except her passport photo coz you're not allowed to smile in it)
The master of all u need to know about cats
Involved in almost every committee in office
The budak pandai among us

The forgetful girl
But very sweet !! lending a hand whenever u need it (if she remembers, that is... hehe..jgn mare)
Always dynamic, never stays the same
Used to like spider a lot (i can still remember her high pitch shriek when spider was announced the winner at 2005's Juara Lagu)
Oh, yes didn't i mention it already ? high pitch, high volume
Even when she's singing karaoke style, her voice drowned the others, and someone had to adjust the mic's volume ;)
Obviously likes to sing. among her honoured audience, our neighbour in kemasik hehe..oi kantoi!!
high pitch shrieks at anything, u name it - flying cockroaches (uuuurrrhhghh... i hate these too), lizards, worms, maggots, kelkatu, any surface contact at her neck etc

Very, very generous (oooopss... i owe her one KL ok Izma? )
My means of transport to & fro Kerteh -KL
Very cute, and very sweet girl !!
Very honest !!
Winner of ratu rempit kerteh !!!
Her mom's chocolate cake is da most bestest!!

His motto - "Siapalah saya"
Very honest
Very generous
Very very helpful - once my car got stuck in mud at midnight in cherating with my cousins, and he came to rescue us
Another means of transport to & fro Kerteh - KL
Keeps a scorpion as his pet since his housemate is almost never around
Source of DVDs
I ruined his Japero's CD player...huhu...
Don't start an argument with him, you won't win
Sometimes he just disappears without a trace, and suddenly re-appears
Tolonglah baca email kitorang okay, jangan la terus delete

Cassanova yg lemah lembut... hehe... jangan marah
Gullible - percaya je apa yg orang bagitau dia. but a good thing too becos he laughs at all my jokes
Drives a striking colour gen gen...
Doesn't know how to pose for cameras. kepala tu kasi level dengan shutter camera la beb, baru la tak nampak mendongak..hehe... or maybe this is his trademark.. kena respect trademark orang
Paling senang nak ajak join activity apa2. always boleh
Jiran yg ditumpang masa takde transport
Lambat bersiap, always nak pakai massaker CLK (bukan mascara ye)

Very helpful , very honest
Sopan santun
Loves malay literature, gotta respect him for this. he'll come up with any topics of pantun the minute you ask for it
He laughs at almost all of my jokes too
Must eat on time. if not he'll get gastric
Pemandu yg berhemah
Very generous too
Loves nature

Trademark hoarse voice (garau s)
I sometimes think he looks like Dr House (in the series House)
Very generous
Likes to ask people : " Kau tahu tak....? Did u know that ....? Our source for general info. He should have competed in who wants to be a millionaire (kunci khazanah tak lumayan, so tak payah)
Likes hindi songs. first guy i met who likes hindi songs. respect for that
Proud of his origin - muar
How to get mates to lunch out together? simple. at 1pm, just hang around the lobby, and u'll get yr lunchmate
I didn't know boleh tengok kelip-kelip dari kereta..huhu..

# 1 Mawi fan
President of kelab jawa malaysia
The star of PMO
Very recognisable voice from few blocks away, you can never mistake it with someone else's!!
Stylish gal
She can sew clothes anywhere, in the car and even on the plane!!
Very determined
A good cook ! yum..yum.. tasty food !
Very matured - sometimes i feel she's an elder sister to me, although i'm older

Very sweet girl
Open minded
Been exercising religously lately
Happy go lucky
Has a very cute voice
Nik (Ridhuan)

Very honest !!!! He puts his remarks in a funny way you can't resist to laugh
Our tour guide in KB
I used to give him headaches when doing purchasing thru him...sorry Nik !!
E&P groupmate
Very cool - he presented the first part of E&P on Geophysics very confidently, whereas the rest of the group chickened out. Bravo Nik !!
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